Source code for mordred.EState

from enum import IntEnum
from functools import reduce

from rdkit.Chem import EState

from ._base import Descriptor
from ._util import parse_enum

    import builtins
except ImportError:
    import __builtin__ as builtins

__all__ = ("AtomTypeEState",)

es_types = (

es_type_set = set(es_types)

class EStateBase(Descriptor):
    __slots__ = ()
    explicit_hydrogens = False

class EStateCache(EStateBase):
    __slots__ = ()

    def parameters(self):
        return ()

    def calculate(self):
        return EState.TypeAtoms(self.mol), EState.EStateIndices(self.mol)

class AggrType(IntEnum):
    __slots__ = ()

    count = 1
    sum = 2
    max = 3
    min = 4

    def as_argument(self):

    def description(self):
        d = {self.count: "number", self.sum: "sum", self.max: "max", self.min: "min"}
        return d[self]

aggr_names = (
    (AggrType.count, "N"),
    (AggrType.sum, "S"),
    (AggrType.max, "MAX"),
    (AggrType.min, "MIN"),

aggr_name_dict = dict(aggr_names)

[docs] class AtomTypeEState(EStateBase): r"""atom type e-state descriptor. :type type: str :param type: one of aggr_types :type estate: str :param estate: one of es_types :returns: NaN when type in ["min", "max"] and :math:`N_{\rm X} = 0` References * :doi:`10.1021/ci00028a014` """ since = "1.0.0" __slots__ = ("_type", "_estate")
[docs] def description(self): return "{} of {}".format(self._type.description(), self._estate)
aggr_types = tuple( for a in AggrType) es_types = es_types @classmethod def preset(cls, version): return (cls(a, t) for a in AggrType for t in es_types) def __str__(self): aggr = aggr_name_dict[self._type] return aggr + self._estate def parameters(self): return self._type, self._estate def __init__(self, type="count", estate="sLi"): assert estate in es_type_set self._type = parse_enum(AggrType, type) self._estate = estate def dependencies(self): return {"E": EStateCache()} def calculate(self, E): if self._type == AggrType.count: return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, E[0]).count(self._estate) indices = map(lambda e: e[1], filter(lambda e: self._estate in e[0], zip(*E))) with self.rethrow_na(ValueError): return getattr(builtins, @property def rtype(self): r"""Return type. * "count": :py:class:`int` * "other": :py:class:`float` """ return int if self._type == AggrType.count else float _extra_docs = "aggr_types", "es_types"