Source code for mordred.MolecularId

import math

from six import integer_types
from networkx import Graph

from ._base import Descriptor
from ._atomic_property import GetAtomicNumber, GetElementSymbol, halogen

__all__ = ("MolecularId",)

class AtomicId(object):
    __slots__ = ("G", "lim", "start", "id", "visited", "weights")

    def __init__(self, mol, eps):
        G = Graph()

        G.add_nodes_from(a.GetIdx() for a in mol.GetAtoms())

        for bond in mol.GetBonds():
            a = bond.GetBeginAtom()
            b = bond.GetEndAtom()

            w = a.GetDegree() * b.GetDegree()

            G.add_edge(a.GetIdx(), b.GetIdx(), weight=w)

        self.G = G
        self.lim = int(1.0 / (eps ** 2))

    def get_atomic_id(self, s):
        self.start = s = 0.0
        self.visited = set()
        self.weights = [1]

    def _search(self, u):

        for v, d in self.G[u].items():
            if v in self.visited:

            w = d["weight"] * self.weights[-1]

   += 1.0 / math.sqrt(w)
            if w < self.lim:


    def __call__(self):
        return [self.get_atomic_id(i) for i in range(self.G.number_of_nodes())]

class MolecularIdBase(Descriptor):
    __slots__ = ()
    explicit_hydrogens = False
    require_connected = True

    def parameters(self):
        return (self._eps,)

class AtomicIds(MolecularIdBase):
    __slots__ = ("_eps",)

    def __init__(self, eps=1e-10):
        self._eps = eps

    def calculate(self):
        aid = AtomicId(self.mol, self._eps)
        return [1 + aid.get_atomic_id(i) / 2.0 for i in range(self.mol.GetNumAtoms())]

[docs] class MolecularId(MolecularIdBase): r"""molecular id descriptor. :type type: :py:class:`str` or :py:class:`int` :param type: target of atomic id source * "any": normal molecular id(sum of all atomic id) * "X": sum of halogen atomic id * str: atomic symbol * int: atomic number :type averaged: bool :param averaged: averaged by number of atoms :type _eps: float :param _eps: internally used """ since = "1.0.0" __slots__ = ("_orig_type", "_averaged", "_eps", "_type", "_check")
[docs] def description(self): if self._type == "any": t = "" elif self._type == "X": t = " on halogen atoms" else: e = self._type if isinstance(e, integer_types): e = GetElementSymbol(e) t = " on {} atoms".format(e) return "{}molecular ID{}".format("averaged " if self._averaged else "", t)
@classmethod def preset(cls, version): return ( cls(s, a) for s in ["any", "hetero", "C", "N", "O", "X"] for a in [False, True] ) def __str__(self): n = "AMID" if self._averaged else "MID" if self._type != "any": n = "{}_{}".format(n, self._type) return n def parameters(self): return self._orig_type, self._averaged, self._eps def __init__(self, type="any", averaged=False, _eps=1e-10): self._orig_type = self._type = type self._averaged = averaged self._eps = _eps if isinstance(type, str) and type not in ["any", "hetero", "X"]: type = GetAtomicNumber(type) if type == "any": self._check = lambda _: True elif type == "hetero": self._type = "h" self._check = lambda a: a not in {1, 6} elif self._type == "X": self._check = lambda a: a in halogen else: self._check = lambda a: a == type def dependencies(self): return {"aids": AtomicIds(self._eps)} def calculate(self, aids): v = float( sum( aid for aid, atom in zip(aids, self.mol.GetAtoms()) if self._check(atom.GetAtomicNum()) ) ) if self._averaged: v /= self.mol.GetNumAtoms() return v rtype = float